Offering a coffee delivery service to your employees might be the easiest, yet impactful, thing you can do. I have worked in primarily a manufacturing environment for most of my professional life (life before entrepreneurship), and at each location, there has always been coffee. And when I thought about it, regardless of where I went; doctor's office, pet store, hardware store, lawyers' office; everyone had coffee! Trey and I started out as a coffee roasting business, but as we looked at the total landscape of coffee, there are so many other opportunities. The opportunity that came our way was a delivery service! After doing some research, we
discovered 6 main reasons why businesses offer coffee. We used these 6 reasons to help guide our decision to invest into a coffee delivery service or not. I thought it would be a good idea to share those with you.

1. It's convenient - You don't have to wait in line for your favorite coffee. With coffee delivered straight to your employees' hands, your company will save time and money. Schedule your delivery and The Coffee Run will bring it directly to your establishment!
2. Variety of beverages - We offer a variety of products from various brands...and it does not stop with coffee. The Coffee Run can also provide tea, hot chocolate, and other beverage services.
3. Great quality - A good service provider will provide good quality coffee, and quality coffee suggestions. And what makes us different, is we are also a coffee roaster! That said, we can introduce quality coffee that can be roasted and delivered within days to offer the freshest taste and quality!
4. Cost-effective - Buying coffee in bulk can often be cheaper than buying it from a coffee shop. By choosing our coffee service, you can save you and your employees money on their daily "coffee run" (pun intended) by offering a variety at your office.
5. Fosters a positive work environment - It's no secret that happy employees make for more loyal, more productive employees. A simple gesture such as free coffee in your break room can improve morale. It offers employees a chance to mingle and discuss business topics or get to know one another. Employees really do appreciate those little gestures and treats provided by management. A simple free cup of coffee could create a great office vibe!
6. Buy Local - Supporting local business is worth mentioning. Supporting local business is a fantastic way to give back to the community. Small businesses are still considered the lifeline for a large part of our communities.
I am sure there are a few more that might make the top of some other lists, but these were the ones that truly resonated with us. And as a result, we now own a coffee delivery business! We call it The Coffee Run, and we call the 6 reasons listed above the CR6 (Coffee Run 6, see what I did there??). If you know any businesses in the Charleston area that you feel can benefit from a coffee delivery service, hopefully you’ll send them our way!